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Self-Esteem Journal

Positive journaling has been found to help improve feelings of well-being and self-esteem. With this self-esteem worksheet, your clients will be asked to record three daily statements related to their successes, good qualities, and positive experiences. This worksheet is great for clients who have difficulty generating ideas for positive experiences to journal about. We've designed this worksheet to be as straight-forward and simple as possible, while maintaining the qualities that are important for improving self-esteem. Some examples of prompts within this handout are:

"I felt proud when..."
"Today I accomplished..."
"Something I did for someone..."

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1. Rash, J. A., Matsuba, M. K., & Prkachin, K. M. (2011). Gratitude and well‐being: Who benefits the most from a gratitude intervention? Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being, 3(3), 350-369.


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