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Distress Tolerance DBT skills

In DBT, distress tolerance skills are one approach to coping with uncomfortable emotions. Rather than trying to change or “fix” a feeling, the goal of distress tolerance is to simply get through it. This approach can be especially powerful for feelings that are unavoidable, or where acting upon a feeling might have severe consequences (e.g., addictions & relapse).

The Distress Tolerance: DBT Skills worksheet introduces three skills commonly used in DBT:

  • Radical Acceptance
  • Self-Soothe with Senses
  • Distraction (ACCEPTS)

The distress caused by resisting an emotion can sometimes become a wholly new burden. The idea of sitting with a painful emotion might be intimidating, but when it clicks, it becomes a powerful tool.

To learn more about DBT skills, we recommend Marsha M. Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Manual:

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1. Linehan, M. M. (2015). DBT skills training manual (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.


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