
Mental Wellness During a Global Crisis

resource packet

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread uncertainty and anxiety about the future. Millions of people around the world are experiencing significant life changes, whether from job loss, personal or family health problems, changes to daily routines, isolation, or anxiety about the news.

Some stress and anxiety are expected in the face of uncertainty. In limited doses, these emotions are completely normal and healthy. As therapists often say: "I would be more concerned if you weren't worried." But when these feelings grow out of control, or when they start to have a negative impact on a person's life, they may need to be addressed.

The Therapist Aid team has compiled a packet of resources related to stress, anxiety, and self-care that mental health professionals will find helpful during these times of uncertainty. This packet includes worksheets, videos, and audio to help clients manage symptoms of anxiety and improve well-being.

For information about COVID-19, visit the World Health Organization Stay well. 🌎