
What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where, over the course of months or years, a gaslighter causes their victim to doubt their own beliefs, sanity, or memory. They do this by repeatedly telling the victim they’re wrong or misremembering. This manipulation causes the victim to feel confused, scared, depressed, and powerless.

The good news is, victims of gaslighting are not powerless. Some ways they can regain their self-confidence is to keep a daily journal, set healthy boundaries, and explore their relationship patterns.

In the What Is Gaslighting? video, Woody Schuldt, LMHC, discusses what gaslighting is, how to spot it, and what victims can do to take back control of their lives. This video is appropriate for both teens and adults.

To learn more about gaslighting, check out our What is Gaslighting? article and Gaslighting Warning Signs worksheet.


1. Abramson, K. (2014). Turning up the lights on gaslighting. Philosophical Perspectives, 28, 1-30.

2. DiGiulio, S. (2018). What is gaslighting? And how do you know if it's happening to you? Retrieved August 2, 2022, from


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