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ADHD Parenting Tips

A child with a diagnosis of ADHD can make the already-tough job of parenting even harder. Things that seem simple—like getting dressed in the morning or finding a homework assignment in a messy backpack—often feel like a battle.

ADHD takes work, but it is workable. It’s common for ADHD treatment to involve a team of professionals, but parents and caregivers play the most important role. By teaching skills and modeling healthy habits, parents can set their child up for a healthy adulthood.

Our ADHD Parenting Tips handout summarizes six best practices for caregivers of kids with ADHD. These tips are concise and concrete, offering a roadmap for parents who are new to working with ADHD.

Keep in mind that these ADHD parenting tips are a starting point. After reviewing the handout, choose where to focus during future sessions. Understanding the importance of routine or a healthy lifestyle is only the first step.

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1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, September 27). Treatment of ADHD. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

2. Mercugliano, M. (1999). What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Pediatric Clinics, 46(5), 831-843.


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