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Anger Thermometer

The anger thermometer is a technique that will help your clients learn about their anger symptoms and warning signs, and how these change as anger escalates. Before your client can learn to use anger management skills, they first need to recognize their anger warning signs as they occur.

The Anger Thermometer is a 10-point scale where a “10” represents a person’s maximum anger, and a “1” represents no anger at all. Symptoms of anger–such as balled-up fists, argumentativeness, or frustration–are recorded on the anger thermometer at the point where they begin. Ask your client to be descriptive by listing specific symptoms and triggers along the thermometer.

To learn more about how to use the anger thermometer, check out our Anger Thermometer Technique Guide.

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1. Kerr, M. M. (2012). Anger management.

2. Rose, J. L., Dodd, L., & Rose, N. (2008). Individual cognitive behavioral intervention for anger. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 1(2), 97-108.


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