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Creating Secure Attachment

Attachment styles are ways of thinking about and behaving in relationships. Someone with a secure attachment style believes they can rely on their closest relationships, while someone with an insecure style struggles to trust their connections with others.

Shaped largely by early childhood experiences, attachment styles can persist throughout the lifespan, affecting the quality and outcome of adult relationships. With time and effort, those with an insecure attachment style can become more securely attached.

The Creating Secure Attachment worksheet offers research-backed suggestions for working toward secure attachment in adult relationships. These include learning about one’s attachment style, examining beliefs about relationships, and acting opposite to one’s anxious or avoidant style, among others.

Use this worksheet to support clients wishing to become more securely attached in their relationships. Check in with clients on a regular basis to assess how well they are implementing the suggestions. You can also use this tool to address insecure attachment in the context of couple’s therapy. Consider also distributing the worksheet to colleagues with an interest in attachment issues.

For another attachment-related tool, see our Attachment Styles and Romantic Relationships worksheet.

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1. Antonucci, T., Akiyama, H., & Takahashi, K. (2004). Attachment and close relationships across the life span. Attachment & Human Development, 6(4), 353–370.

2. Beeney, J. E., Stepp, S. D., Hallquist, M. N., Ringwald, W. R., Wright, A. G. C., Lazarus, S. A., Scott, L. N., Mattia, A. A., Ayars, H. E., Gebreselassie, S. H., & Pilkonis, P. A. (2019). Attachment styles, social behavior, and personality functioning in romantic relationships. Personality Disorders—Theory and Treatment, 10(3), 275–285.


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