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Mandalas are traditionally used in many eastern spiritual traditions as a tool to aid meditation. In western culture, mental health counselors often use mandalas as a form of stress relief, a tool for art therapy, and as a meditative exercise. We have used mandala printouts with therapy groups, during stress management presentations, and as a fun little handout to leave on waiting room tables.

If you are helping a client put together a stress management plan, throw in a few of these worksheets for them to complete after a long day. Both children and adults love filling in mandalas, probably because of their relaxing nature and the satisfaction of seeing color fill the frame.

If you want even more mandalas, check out The Mandala Coloring Book:

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1. Curry, N. A., & Kasser, T. (2005). Can coloring mandalas reduce anxiety? Art Therapy, 22(2), 81-85.


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