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My Safe Spaces

A safe space is a person, place, or activity that helps you feel calm, comfortable, and supported, and lets you be yourself. Your safe space is there for you no matter how you feel—happy or sad, talkative or quiet, brave or scared. A safe space is free of judgment and is full of acceptance.

The My Safe Spaces worksheet introduces clients to this topic. It provides examples of people, places, and activities that may be safe spaces. Kids circle their safe spaces or write their own. They then draw their favorite examples, which can help them explore and express emotions.

Recognizing safe spaces can help clients identify strengths, coping skills, and social support. For example, if a client identifies baseball as a safe activity, use this as an opportunity to discuss motivation, teamwork, exercise, and more. This may also illuminate a client’s social support, such as a parent or coach.

After completing the activity, support your client in describing their safe spaces. Ask them what a “safe space” means to them, how they feel about their safe spaces, and how they feel after completing the activity.

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1. Boswell, S. (2020, October 15). How to help kids open up about anything. The New York Times.

2. Cortina, M. A., & Fazel, M. (2015). The Art Room: An evaluation of a targeted school-based group intervention for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 42, 35-40.


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