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Panic Attack Info Sheet

Panic attacks can be terrifying, especially for those who don't know what to expect. The discomfort brought on by panic is so intense that it's often confused for a heart attack, or another dangerous event. However, in reality, panic attacks pose little physical risk.

Psychoeducation is an essential part of treatment for those suffering from panic attacks. The anxiety surrounding panic attacks can snowball, causing greater and greater fear. With proper education, clients can learn to recognize panic attacks as a paper tiger—something that feels threatening, but isn't in reality.

This worksheet includes information about what a panic attack is, symptoms, treatments, and other facts. We suggest using this worksheet as a conversation piece to begin discussing your client's own symptoms, triggers, thoughts, and feelings about panic.

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1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.


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