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Introduction to Stress Management

Stress isn't all bad. At lower levels, stress prepares our bodies for day-to-day challenges by boosting energy, improving cognitive performance, and focusing attention. It's when stress is too extreme, or lasts for too long, that it becomes problematic.

Unhealthy levels of stress contribute to heart disease, anxiety, depression, relational discord, drug use, weakened immune systems, and much more. Oftentimes, stress hides behind more prominent issues, where it amplifies uncomfortable emotions and triggers unwanted behaviors.

The Introduction to Stress Management worksheet was designed to help your clients learn about their own stressors, symptoms, and strategies to overcome stress. The coping strategies presented in this worksheet include the use of social support, emotional management, life balance, and meeting one's basic needs. Introduction to Stress Management is intended to be used as tool to elicit conversation in a broader stress management treatment plan.

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1. Esch, T., & Stefano, G. B. (2010). The neurobiology of stress management. Neuroendocrinology letters, 31(1), 19-39.

2. Gelberg, S., & Gelberg, H. (2005). Stress management interventions for veterinary students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 32(2), 173-181.

3. Michie, S. (2002). Causes and management of stress at work. Occupational and environmental medicine, 59(1), 67-72.


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